REAP is a group of retired people whose purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. It was founded in 1970 as a Cheltenham Pennsylvania Township Adult School program and has been an unincorporated association since 2007.
REAP provides the opportunity to research an unfamiliar subject and present a talk based upon that research. We have found that this method enhances our knowledge and provides us with a considerable feeling of self-accomplishment. Our members commit to present a talk every one to two years to our REAP colleagues. We challenge ourselves to study interesting topics ourselves and that we can all learn from.
REAP is a friendly group and offers opportunities for a pleasant interaction with a diverse group of warm and welcoming people. Find out about the many other benefits that REAP offers.
If you are a retiree who would enjoy the continued pursuit of knowledge, REAP invites you to apply for membership. You will be treated to interesting and well-researched presentations on a variety of topics from colleagues who share similar interests. An application form can be found on the CONTACT page of this website. Our email address is:
Our mission is to promote the continuing education of our members through the exploration of new areas of study.
We challenge our members to thoroughly explore a topic and then periodically present a talk based on that topic to our colleagues.
REAP meets most Wednesdays from 10:00 am to noon from September through May at the:
Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, (UECC)
700 North Cedar Road
Jenkintown, PA 19046
(UECC is a wheelchair accessible facility)
REAP meetings are conducted in person, and simultaneously online via Zoom.
See the CALENDAR page for meeting information and times.
For additional information or to speak to a member, email your request to:
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